September 10, 2014 3 min read 7 Comments
The durability and timeless style of a quality leather bag or personal leather item, like the ones made by Jack Georges, is undeniable. Whether it's a contemporary red leather handbag, a fine leather wallet, or a traditional black leather briefcase, both new and well-worn leather goods are subject to the elements and effects of use. Excess heat or cold, dry air, heavy moisture, oxidation, abrasions, and oil or chemical damage will affect the life of your leather. To maintain your leather properly, keep in mind that leather was once a living hide and should be treated as such. First and foremost, animal skins need to breathe and to do that, they should be clean. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe away any dust and dirt before treating the leather with a natural balm lotion that is free of chemicals, oils, or waxes. This will help maintain and preserve the leather’s soft grain and pliable body. Want to protect your investment and keep your leather in excellent condition? Here are some tips for easy care and prolonging the life of your leather items.
Condition the leather regularly.
March 12, 2020
What is available to nourish my JG bags.
March 28, 2017
I just got a very nice leather bag and want to condition it to bring out that deep dark look and keep it soft and mske it break in
May 25, 2016
I’m glad you mentioned not keeping a wet leather bag next to a heater. Allowing the leather to air dry so it doesn’t dry out from the heat makes sense. If you wore your leather shoes the same day it may be good to dry those at the same time.
June 05, 2015
Thanks for sharing the tips. As I am a leather fan and I don’t want it to get dirty or anything. And for my leather products I only use D-Lux Cleaning and Conditioning Kit. It makes my leather products dust free and shiny all the time.
March 17, 2015
Where can I purchase the lotion for the jack George backpack and how often should I use it. Thanks
January 08, 2015
Thanks for sharing your tips on how to clean and how to take good care of handbags.
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Barbara Mackey
March 12, 2020
Where can I buy this natural balm lotion at in Gastonia NC?